
アーガイル産【APD】証明書付きピンクダイヤモンドルース 0.3ct Round Fancy Intense Pink SI2

天然Fancy Intense Pink(ファンシーインテンスピンク)ピンクダイヤモンドルース
0.3ct, Fancy Intense Pink, SI2, Round, DGL/ARGYLE



アーガイルのカラーグレードでは4BP(ARGYLE Color Grade)と現在のグレードではRose Pinkの4RPに該当します。グレード表記が異なる理由は産出が2008年9月と歴史が古いためです。知り合いのディーラーが基準カラーストーンとして長年手元に温めておられた物を譲っていただきました。この時代の大型ストーンはWebでID検索も可能ですが、証明書にはアーガイルの担当者の直筆サインが署名され、アーガイルのロゴがエンボス加工されるなど希少でコレクションにも最適です。




Size 0.3ct
Cut Round
Colour 4BP
Clarity P1



Shape and Cutting Round Brilliant Cut
Measurement APPROX. 4.35-4.38 x 2.59mm.
Carat Weight 0.301 CT.
Color Grade Fancy Intense Pink
Clarity Grade SI2
Symmetry VERY GOOD
Flourescence FAINT


Natural Fancy Intense Argyle Pink Diamond
0.3ct, Fancy Intense Pink, SI2, Round, DGL/ARGYLE

Argyle laser engraved and certified natural "untreated" pink diamonds are rarer than colorless diamonds, which are also known as one-in-ten-thousand miracles, and with the closing of the Argyle mine, which was the world's largest producer of pink diamonds, Argyle certified pink diamonds have become more and more popular in recent years. The Argyle-certified pink diamonds have become even more popular in recent years.

The most notable feature of this loose diamond is its size of 0.3ct. Argyle pink diamonds over 0.2ct are rare, with less than 5% of all pink diamonds over 0.2ct, and only the top 1% of all pink diamonds over 0.3ct are of this size.

In the Argyle color grade, it corresponds to 4BP (ARGYLE Color Grade), and in the current grade, it corresponds to 4RP (Rose Pink). The reason for the different grade designations is that it was produced in September 2008 and has a long history. A dealer I know had been keeping it on hand for many years as a reference color stone, and gave it to me. Large stones from this era can be ID searched on the web, but the certificate is signed by the person in charge of Argyle and embossed with the Argyle logo, making it rare and ideal for collection.

The color in DGL is Fancy Intense Pink, which is bright and retains its pink color even under natural light. The clarity is P1 in the Argyle certification, which is a severe rating for this period, but SI2 in the DGL certification, with no black carbon-like inclusions, and is transparent.

TKPD offers our prospective buyers the opportunity to see the pink diamonds in person at our locations around the country. If you are interested in these loose diamonds, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to visit your nearest location. If you have any questions about the color, size, or budget, please let us know and we will be happy to assist you.

